/  Shopping Break   /  Shopping Break: All Brown Girls Should Own a Pair of House No. 3028 Pumps!

Shopping Break: All Brown Girls Should Own a Pair of House No. 3028 Pumps!

I get so excited when I discover brand that caters to women who look like me!

Launched in 2016, House No: 3028 is the brainchild of a sister and brother duo, Thressa Smith and Norrell Casey, and based out of Oakland, CA.

The inspiration for their shoe brand came from the frustration that Thressa faced when she went searching for nude shoes to match her complexion. Thressa decided to design and sell her own shoes (and we’re so glad she made this decision). House No: 3028 pumps allow brown girls to perfectly match, complement or contrast their skin tone. The best part is that you can match your skin tone within 2 minutes using their “Nudemeter”.

What do you think? Perfect for a Bridal shower right?

Shop these amazing pumps here.