/  USA Locations   /  Georgia   /  Mardi Gras Styled Wedding Shoot (Georgia)

Mardi Gras Styled Wedding Shoot (Georgia)

This styled shoot was put together by Crystal Artis and her two co-host Brittany Richardson and Latricia Buffington. They are three photographers who collaborated for their first project. The day was a wet and gloomy one but this definitely did not dim the light and love that these couple shared. Anton and Sharon have been married for 6 yrs with adorable children. This was an opportunity for them to do something different and have a fun.  You could feel the love and see that they enjoyed this one of a kind moment to relive the day they committed themselves to one another.

The groom was so blown away by the experience, he had to say few words:
“She has been my best friend and my wife and I have seen her in every light possible. This photo shoot has allowed me to see a woman that I have never seen, but still know that she is my everything. I have always known that I had married my Shangri La but this has just furthered the belief that utopia is always at our fingertips. I truly want to keep these photos to myself because, somethings are worthy of just being personal chronicles; however, who am I to deprive the world. Regardless, enjoy this glimpse  while I cherish my everyday.”


Savvy House Weddings & Events
Website: savvyhouseplanning.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/Savvy-House-Weddings-Events-173461066065862
IG: @SavvyHouseWeddings
Email: SavvyHousePlanning@yahoo.com


Ten Point Floral and Event Design
Website: TenPointFloralDesign.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tenpointfloraldesign
IG: @tenpointfloraldesign
Email: tenpointfloral@gmail.com

The Corner District
Website: http://www.Thecornerdistrict.com

Facebook: facebook.com/TheCornerDistrict
IG: @thecornerdistrict
Email: info@thecornerdistrict.com

Wardrobe Stylist:
Alex Dyer
IG: @alex_eyeforstyle
Email: alex.dyer27@gmail.com

Alicia Wyatt
IG: @montamakeupart
Email: MontaMakeupArt@gmail.com

Hair Stylist:

Akilah Muhammad McKnight!
IG: @kilahcreations
Email: Akimuh84@yahoo.com

Shalon Donaldson
IG: @shonnie15
Email: skreed15@gmail.com

Anton Donaldson
IG: @A_Carruth
Email: antond220@yahoo.com

Hand painted Theme Board

Jewel Ancrum


Les Bon Temps Louisiana Kitchen
Website: LesBonTempsLouisianaKitchen.com
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/datcajunplace/
Email: info@lesbontempslouisianakitchen.com


Acuna Custom Cakes
Website: www.AcunasCustomCakes.com
Facebook: @AcunasCustomCakes
IG: @AcunasCustomCakes
Email: AcunasCustomCakes@gmail.com


Pineapple Street Designs
Website: PineappleStreetDesigns.com
Facebook: @pineapplestreetdesigns
IG: @pineapplestreetdesigns
Email: hello@pineapplestreetdesigns.com