/  Planning   /  5 Skin Care Tips to Have Your Skin Glowing on Your Wedding Day!

5 Skin Care Tips to Have Your Skin Glowing on Your Wedding Day!

A proper skin care regimen is very important. Your skin is 90% of your wedding portraits (the other 10% is your groom of course). In other words, it’s the first thing that people notice about you! Various products claim to improve skin tone and promote a flawless complexion. However, one must remember that a proper skincare regimen takes consistently to get results. So if you’re trying to get your skin right before your big day, our friends at Suncoast Skin Clinic recommend starting a routine at least six months before your wedding day. Read below for some additional tips.

Skin Care Tip #1:

Use a high-quality exfoliation product, which removes old skin cells, debris, and particles from your skin.  Consistent exfoliation will expose the healthy cells and rid your body from the old cells.

Skin Care Tip #2:

You should avoid tanning beds and prolonged sun exposure, as this may lead to skin aging and damage. 

Skin Care Tip #3:

Use lip balm and lipstick to avoid your lips from becoming chapped or wind burnt during harsh weather.

Skin Care Tip# 4:

Add moisture to unbearable dry or cracked skin, which looks horrible and can be embarrassing.  In this situation, you should continuously be looking for ways to add moisture back to your skin. Many skin care enthusiasts also recommend using plenty of moisturizing body lotion to replenish the skin’s natural moisture, which is regularly stripped in today’s harsh environment.

Skin Care Tip #5:

If you have sensitive skin, be mindful of the products you use. Avoid products that irritate your skin and products that have harsh ingredients.  Use a moisturizing soap, and lotions that are designed for sensitive skin.    

Overall, various skincare products are available as commercial or prescription-based treatments to help you reach your skincare goals.  A dermatologist should be consulted for matters relating to acne or other skin disorders, especially if they are severe or interrupt your daily life.